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Airat Galiulllin Kazan, Russia / GMT+03

Consultant in the field of IT development and information securityAirat Galiullin

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Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкис выполнением рабочей задачи

I have been working in the IT business for more than 10 years. During this time, he founded 2 full-cycle digital agencies and a number of IT startups in various fields. I have studied and actively us...

39$ / hour

  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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Anastasiia Baranchikova Vilnius, France / GMT+01

Senior ASO manager Flo.Health

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Sessions complete
Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкиподготовиться к собеседованиюс выполнением тестового заданияпройти обучение по программес выполнением рабочей задачи

I have been working with ASO for four years, optimizing both apps and games. I have excellent knowledge of the App Store and Google Play algorithms and worked both with emerging apps and huge well-est...

47$ / hour

  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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