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Denis Kartavenko Сеул, South Korea / GMT+09

Backend Software Engineer Plata

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Hello, I'm Denis, and I'm excited to be your mentor! My goal is to help you build confidence in your abilities and understand the material on a deep level. Together, we will reach your goals and tackl...

31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-10%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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Daniil Dolinchuk Moscow, Russia / GMT+03

JavaScript engineer

Hello, my name is Daniil. I've been doing web development since 2017 and got into IT in 2015. I'm self-taught - I don't have a formal education, nor have I bought any intensive programs or expensive c...

31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-25%
  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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Денис Ищенко Воронеж, Russia / GMT+03

UI/UX DesignerRed Collar

Более 3-х лет занимаюсь дизайном и версткой сайтов на ноукоде. Прошел путь от стажера до дизайнера, сам брал стажеров и доводил до трудоустройства в компанию

31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-5%
  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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Val Khasler Saint-Petersburg, Russia / GMT+03

Frontend Educatorпортфолио и резюме

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I work in frontend and education. Aim to make modern, responsive web ui. I love to teach students same principles and help them to overcome various difficulties. I create courses, live lectures and ot...

31$ / hour

  • 5 sessions pack-5%
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31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-20%
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Anna Safronycheva Москва, Russia / GMT+01

Pruduct designerBeautybot

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I’m a Product Designer with 14+ years of experience in complex FinTech and E-commerce products. I’m highly skilled in UX research, prototyping, Design systems and visual design for web services, creat...

31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-5%
  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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Sergei Furmanov Гамбург, Germany / GMT+01

Sales Operations Manager | EMEA Product Lead Google

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I have been working at Google for almost 5 years now, where I have grown from the position of a support employee to an EMEA product lead. At the moment I am responsible for the product go-to-market st...

31$ / hour

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Denis Gladkiy Novosibirsk, Russia / GMT+07

Senior Software EngineerCadwise

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I am a specialist in computer graphics. Over the years of working in the industry, I have solved problems related to visualization in 3D and 2D games, CAD, GIS, banking, and web applications. One of ...

31$ / hour

  • Первое занятие-5%
  • 5 sessions pack-5%
  • 10 sessions pack-10%
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