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Evgeniy Tretyakov
Free test session

Study price

First session -20%
37$/ hour
Session with mentor
47$/ hour
5 sessions pack -5%
45$/ hour
10 sessions pack -10%
43$/ hour
15 minute test
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1 week messaging
Remote project review
Depends on complexity
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Evgeniy Tretyakov

Moscow, Russia / GMT+03
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Sessions complete

Team leader for more than 6 years, experienced at supporting and management of IT projects at all stages (full lifecycle). Have got a scientific degree in the field - "system analysis, management and information processing" - PhD. I have got experience working at international organisations like the IAEA and CERN. Wide experience of mentoring, able to clearly and sufficient convey ideas to specialists of different fields. Technology stack: Proxmox, Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Airflow (PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ), Django, Flask, FastAPI, Celery, MinIO, Ceph, Neo4j, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Kibana.

🤝 Can help with

Поможетобучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Middle Junior прокачать навыкиразобраться с проектомсобрать портфолиопройти обучение по программес выполнением рабочей задачи
  • Data aggregation (Scraping), I can teach how to scrape web-sites of different complexity using such packages as lxml, bs4, requests, aiohttp, silenium.
  • Development of APIs for services of deffirent complexity. We’ll develop a micro-service using FastAPI using PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc. databases. We’ll deliver micro-service via docker container.
  • We’ll develop a highload API service using FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery and Redis or Apache Airflow. We’ll pack all services into containers for distribution.
  • We’ll develop ETL system using Celery or by means of Apache Airflow. Delivering via Docker or Kubernetes.

💻 Work experience

July 2021 — November 2022

The square tech groupSenior Backe End developer

November 2019 — November 2021

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear ResearchAnalyst programmer

April 2013 — November 2021

national research nuclear university "mephi"Team leader

February 2016 — September 2016

the international atom energy agency (iaea)intern