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Denis Khakhalkin
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51$/ hour
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49$/ hour
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Denis Khakhalkin

Moscow, Russia / GMT+03

QA LeadWallarm

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Sessions complete

QA Automation Engineer (API, Web, a bit of security, and load auto testing) with a focus on acceleration of the achievement of shippable quality. Believe in close interaction QA and development, test pyramid, TDD and DevOps. Eager to learn more about testing techniques and technologies. - 4+ years of experience in software engineering in test. - Programming languages: Golang, Python, JavaScript & TypeScript. - Experience in Agile Methodologies. - Platforms: Mac OS X, Linux. - Tools: pytest, go test, Playwright, Selenium Webdriver, Moon, YandexTank, Postman, Jira, Jenkins, K8s, Docker, GitlabCI.

🤝 Can help with

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкиподготовиться к собеседованиюсоставить карьерный планс выполнением тестового заданияпройти обучение по программес выполнением рабочей задачипостроить план обучения
  • To study the main technologies used by QA engineers (Postman, HTTP, TestRail, Allure, SQL, Gitlab CI, Bash, Git, Docker, HTML)
  • Improve programming skills
  • Create a roadmap for self-development
  • I can help beginners with on-boarding

💻 Work experience

July 2021 — May 2023

OzonQA Lead

🤟 Projects


Teacher and tutor on the Route 256 training project. Participated at all stages of the course life. Writing qualifying assignments for admission to the course. Preparation of materials for lectures. Mentoring students personally. Interviews of students after the end of the course.