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Val Khasler
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26$/ hour
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Val Khasler

Saint-Petersburg, Russia / GMT+03

Frontend Educatorпортфолио и резюме

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Sessions complete

I work in frontend and education. Aim to make modern, responsive web ui. I love to teach students same principles and help them to overcome various difficulties. I create courses, live lectures and other educational materials. And also do consulting. My goal is to create web experience of high quality. Let's see if I can help you to become better developer!

🤝 Can help with

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior прокачать навыкипостроить план обученияпройти обучение по программеразобраться с проектомс выполнением рабочей задачи
  • Frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript depending on the task, responsive ui, accessibility, best practices)
  • How and where to search info on frontend, self-education, set up curriculum, level up your skills
  • Figma templates, UI/UX for frontend dev
  • Dev tools, code editors, git/github, bem, node.js/npm tools, automation with gulp
  • Skills assessment, portfolio/resume assessment
  • Planning and organizing your work/learning

💻 Work experience

May 2019 — until now

HTML AcademyMentor

November 2021 — December 2022

Университет ИннополисAuthor and teacher

June 2019 — October 2021

SkillfactoryAuthor and mentor

December 2019 — June 2021


June 2019 — February 2020

Яндекс.ПрактикумCode reviewer and teacher

January 2016 — February 2016

SKPMWeb developer/content-manager

🤟 Projects

Frontend Basics

Frontend resources links compilation for students

Frontend Roadmap

Frontend roadmap for students (it's in Russian but I'll translate and make one it for you individually)

Knowledge Base

Knowledge base on front-end, web development and customizing your PC. MadI made it to share knowledge and experience.

Frontend Basics course

My own Frontend course, which I have been teaching and updating since 2017. The course includes the beginning of front end, that is, HTML, CSS and the beginning of JavaScript, working with templates in Figma, using Github Pages as hosting and much more.

Animatable CSS properties list

I made it to replace the one removed from MDN. Made with Node.js.