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Raman Sapezhka
Free test session

Study price

Session with mentor
58$/ hour
5 sessions pack -5%
55$/ hour
10 sessions pack -10%
52$/ hour
15 minute test
Extra services
1 week messaging
Remote project review
Depends on complexity
Eligible for payments via wire transfer How it works?

Raman Sapezhka

Warsaw, Poland / GMT+01

Senior Full Stack PlantagoWeb

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Sessions complete

A highly experienced full stack developer with an unusual approach to tech solutions, which skyrocketed many challenging projects over the last decade. Deeply knowledgeable in Front‑and Backend, as well as DevOps, an extroverted troubleshooter, who can virtuously expand a team by selecting candidates and performing technical interviews for ultimate results. A technical consultant and a solution architect who will bring your business ideas to their excellence

🤝 Can help with

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкисобрать портфолиоподготовиться к собеседованиюсоставить карьерный планс выполнением тестового заданияпройти обучение по программес выполнением рабочей задачи
  • Programming Fundamentals: Assisting in learning programming languages (JavaScript, Python, etc.), explaining core concepts and data structures. Frontend and Backend Development: Teaching how to create user interfaces and server-side applications, working with frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Node.js, Django, etc.). DevOps and Automation: Setting up CI/CD, managing containers (Docker, Kubernetes), orchestrating and automating development and deployment processes. System Architecture and Design: Helping in designing scalable and reliable systems, choosing technologies and design patterns. Technical Interviews and Team Building: Advising on preparing for technical interviews, conducting mock interviews, assisting in candidate selection and building effective teams. Solving Complex Technical Challenges: Collaboratively analyzing and finding solutions for unique and complex problems that arise during development. Technical Consulting and Mentorship: Providing guidance on career growth, setting and achieving professional goals, and advising on development direction.

💻 Work experience

March 2014 — until now


June 2021 — June 2023


November 2021 — November 2022

ASBISFrontend Team Lead

February 2020 — March 2021

VigboPHP Backend Developer

May 2019 — January 2020

SOFTMAXFullStack Engineer

September 2018 — May 2019


May 2018 — September 2018

SCRUMPFullStack Engineer

January 2016 — May 2018

busyflyPython TeamLead

February 2014 — July 2016

Telecom GarantFull Stack Engineer