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Max Slepuhov
Free test session

Study price

First session -14%
47$/ hour
Session with mentor
55$/ hour
5 sessions pack -5%
52$/ hour
10 sessions pack -10%
50$/ hour
15 minute test
Extra services
1 week messaging
Remote project review
Depends on complexity
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Max Slepuhov

Ulyanovsk, Russia / GMT+04

Product Manager Avito

Solvery mentor icon
Sessions complete

Started in front-end and back-end development, then worked as a QA, in the support team - saving companies while listening to Bee Gees song - Stayin' Alive. Got good exposure to different products as a project manager, so settled on product management 🙂. Managed an ecom platform in the US, then did monetisation and CRM in a US tax startup. Last three years at Avito (biggest classified company), responsible for electronics categories (photo, audio, video devices - e.g. game consoles), completed several large projects, successfully launched sub-projects within an existing product. Has been a lecturer at a university course on product management. Interested in vertical development - people management. For the last six months I have been actively involved in onboarding and mentoring within the company. Now I'm trying it outside ✊🏻 In my spare time I drift, summer and winter 🏎️.

🤝 Can help with

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкис выполнением рабочей задачис выполнением тестового заданиясоставить карьерный планподготовиться к собеседованиюсобрать портфолиопостроить план обучения
  • Helping Junior-Middle-Senior product managers in companies with large hierarchy and structure, and team leader or C-level executive in small startups: - Finding growth points in the existing product - Goal setting and strategy - Managing resources and expectations - Career development - Team processes - Conflict resolution - About life about racing

💻 Work experience

August 2021 — until now

AvitoSenior Product Manager

September 2020 — August 2021

Sole ProprietorStartup Consultant

October 2019 — September 2020

Seller LabsSenior Product Manager

November 2018 — October 2019

X-CartHead of Product

February 2018 — November 2018

X-CartSenior Product Manager

February 2017 — February 2018

SimbirSoftSenior Project Manager

February 2012 — September 2013

Other AgencyFull Stack Engineer