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Vitaliy Kovyernik
Free test session

Study price

Session with mentor
55$/ hour
5 sessions pack -5%
52$/ hour
15 minute test
Extra services
1 week messaging
Remote project review
Depends on complexity
Eligible for payments via wire transfer How it works?

Vitaliy Kovyernik

Edinburgh, United Kingdom / GMT+00

Product owner, product manager, entrepreneur, CEO, founder

Solvery mentor icon
Sessions complete

🚀 I'll outline specific steps 1, 2, 3...N that need to be taken first when creating a product/business. And what you absolutely should not do: ➖I will save you several months of time, tens of thousands of $/£, and your motivation by avoiding classic mistakes; I will offer great hypotheses, set priorities, and find quick ways to test them. I'll share life hacks from my own experience, provide a sobering outside perspective, and keep you focused on what matters. 🤝 We'll launch a startup that will become your main source of income, not an expense! I'm a hands-on entrepreneur and Product Owner/Growth Product Manager, who started as a developer and project manager. Over the past few years, my team and I have identified and tested more than 15 business ideas, successfully launching 2 operational businesses. I have led and managed all processes from customer development and product creation to setting up advertising channels, lead generation, and sales. I will share intriguing life hacks and a case where I increased a company's profit by $3 million a year. I can help with preparation for interviews as well. My menties have secured job in SkyScanner / UK, I've got job offers in Yandex before.

🤝 Can help with

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомпрокачать навыкисобрать портфолиосоставить карьерный планс выполнением тестового заданияпройти обучение по программес выполнением рабочей задачиподготовиться к собеседованию
  • Custdev
  • CJM
  • JTBD
  • MVP
  • PMF
  • Growth Hacking
  • Business strategy

💻 Work experience

April 2021 — March 2023

MyGuruHead of Product

December 2019 — April 2021

UnidragonGrowth Product Manager