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Alexander Zaikov
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Alexander Zaikov

Warsaw, Польша / GMT+01


I'm Alexander, a CEO&Founder at Memposit. My passion lies in connecting businesses with Software Development services that span multiple domains. With a strong focus on providing flexible and cost-effective solutions, I empower our clients to unlock the true potential of technology, driving continuous success for their ventures. Lead Software Engineer with over 10 years of practical experience in Java.

🤝 С чем могу помочь

Поможетновичкам обучающимся самостоятельно прошедшим курсы Junior Middle Senior разобраться с проектомподготовиться к собеседованиюс выполнением тестового заданияс выполнением рабочей задачи
  • I'll help you with leveling up in your company, learn new technology, prepare for the interview, automate business-processes. Especially support you on your project to achieve great results with your work.

💻 Резюме

May 2023 — по настоящее время

MempositChief Executive Officer

November 2022 — May 2023

expositHead of Engineering

January 2020 — November 2022

expositHead of Java Department

February 2016 — January 2020

expositAtlassian Expert

October 2013 — January 2020

expositJava Developer

October 2013 — June 2015

FreelanceJava Developer

🤟 Проекты

Atlassian migration and anonymization

Migration of high load system to a never clusters and Atlassian products versions. Implementation of anonymization algorithm.

HIPAA and ISO 13485 complience

Passing company certification in healthcare and healthtech domains

ISO 9001 and ISO 27001

Passing company certification in ISO 9001 and 27001

Documents Editor

Creating fully operational desktop version of documents reader and editor, integration of NVIDIA shading functionality.

Risk Manager and Network Analyzer

Creation of group of JIRA DC and Cloud plugins, which help employees to calculate the risks with visual highlighting of blocker issues and people network